
IL WaveShaper
Effect Parameters
• Unipolar/Bipolar - When you select unipolar mode, the bottom of the graph corresponds to 0db input and the
top corresponds to maximum. Bipolar is aware of the exact position of the sample (above or below DC),
so the middle is mapped to DC (0db) and up and down correspond to the offsets in both directions.
• Pre - Preamplifies the input signal (volume).
• Mix - Let's you mix the input signal with the processed signal in the final output. Turning to right
mixes more signal from the processed version. Post - Postamplification of the sound (volume).
• Oversample - Oversamples the input to the factor specified, applies the distortion and downsamples. Oversampling
helps to avoid aliasing artifacts,if any. Center - Turn on to remove DC offset from the final output.
Spline Editing
Spline Editing Parameters
• Freeze - Enable this switch to lock the map curve to its current setup. This feature is
helpful after you finish with the changes to the shape and you want to protect it from
accidental edits (it also hides the handles providing a clear view of the shape).
• Step - Enable this option to set the editor in step editing mode - drag in the editor to create
a "free hand" curve where a new control point is defined for every step in the timeline. Hold
SHIFT key whiledragging to draw "pulse" lines (straight vertical/horizontal lines only). Note
that each newsegment created this way uses the last tension set while adding a segment.
• Snap - Enable this option if you want the control points to snap to the nearest step in the graph while dragging.
Curve Editing
Here are several basic operations you can perform to edit the envelope/mapping shape:
• Add a new Control Point - Position your cursor over the line until the
add point cursor appears. Right-click and a new point will be added.
• Reposition a Control Point - You can drag the control points with your left mouse button.
Hold SHIFT while dragging to lock vertical position, or CTRL to lock horizontal position.
• Delete a Control Point - Right-click a control point and select Delete. Alternatively, hold ALT and left-click.
• Change Segment Type - WaveShaper offers three types of spline segments to select from. Right-click a control point
and you will see three spline type options (the affected segment is the one preceding the control point): Single Curve -
the default mode which allows you to create linear, ease in and ease out curves (depending on the tension); Double
Curve - allows linear, ease in-out and ease out-in curves (depending on the tension); Hold - creates "hold"
or "pulse" curves which are handy for creating abruptly value changes in your envelope.
• Change Segment Tension (Acceleration) - You can drag the tension handle of each spline up/down to change the
spline appearance. Right-click the handle to reset to a straight line. Hold CTRL during adjustment to fine-tune.
Options Menu
• Click on the down-arrow at the bottom left of the plugin window to access plugin options:
• Help - Opens the Juice help manual.
• Presets - Load plugin presets.
• Load preset/bank - Load a new bank of presets.
• Save preset - Save the current preset.
• Save bank - Save the current preset bank.
• Global MIDI learn - CC assignments will be remembered between
instances of the plugin, so you don't have to re-link each time.
• About - About the Juice Pack plugins.
1. Unrar and install.
2. Enjoy !

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