Systran Premium Translator is the most powerful and advanced professional translation software product available for the PC.Worldwide translation technology leaderInternet portals as well as many multinational corporations and US government agencies use the same translation technology that powers Systran Premium Translator.
SYSTRAN Translation Project Manager
* Provides a powerful range of features and review tools to help you reach the highest-possible translation quality
* Creates and manages translation projects that involve a single file or multiple documents
* Defines, creates and manages a corpus that is composed of several files, folders or URLs to be translated
* NEW! - Translates multiple files in batch mode simultaneously
* NEW! - Translates a single file or a corpus based on the selected translation options and displays results in the content pane
* Translation options include Do Not Translate to freezes terms during the translation process
* NEW! - Supplies linguistic information and revisions of the source document and the translation results, such as Not Found Words detection, source ambiguity analysis, alternative meanings, statistics, dictionary and Translation Memory matches
* Finds and replaces entries and revisions in the documents
* NEW! - Links to SDM to create new dictionary entries and Translation Memories
* NEW! - Prints source and target translations of paragraphs and sentences in horizontal or vertical display modes
* NEW! - Provides extraction tools for Not Found Words, known and unknown terms which can be added to a User Dictionary
* NEW! - Provides powerful Review Tools for Not Found Words, extracted terms, alternative meanings, source ambiguity, sentence and Translation Memory in separate panes
* Integrates STPM within your translation workflow
* NEW! - Resolves ambiguity with Translation Choice Files
Global Options Module
A unique interface that allows you to set options in:
* Application Settings – preferences for all applications and toolbars
* Translation Options – translation preferences that include dictionaries and domains, filters, and linguistic resources which are stored in named profiles
* License Manager – manages information on installed SYSTRAN products, language pairs and packstran Premium Translator.
SYSTRAN Translation Project Manager
* Provides a powerful range of features and review tools to help you reach the highest-possible translation quality
* Creates and manages translation projects that involve a single file or multiple documents
* Defines, creates and manages a corpus that is composed of several files, folders or URLs to be translated
* NEW! - Translates multiple files in batch mode simultaneously
* NEW! - Translates a single file or a corpus based on the selected translation options and displays results in the content pane
* Translation options include Do Not Translate to freezes terms during the translation process
* NEW! - Supplies linguistic information and revisions of the source document and the translation results, such as Not Found Words detection, source ambiguity analysis, alternative meanings, statistics, dictionary and Translation Memory matches
* Finds and replaces entries and revisions in the documents
* NEW! - Links to SDM to create new dictionary entries and Translation Memories
* NEW! - Prints source and target translations of paragraphs and sentences in horizontal or vertical display modes
* NEW! - Provides extraction tools for Not Found Words, known and unknown terms which can be added to a User Dictionary
* NEW! - Provides powerful Review Tools for Not Found Words, extracted terms, alternative meanings, source ambiguity, sentence and Translation Memory in separate panes
* Integrates STPM within your translation workflow
* NEW! - Resolves ambiguity with Translation Choice Files
Global Options Module
A unique interface that allows you to set options in:
* Application Settings – preferences for all applications and toolbars
* Translation Options – translation preferences that include dictionaries and domains, filters, and linguistic resources which are stored in named profiles
* License Manager – manages information on installed SYSTRAN products, language pairs and packstran Premium Translator.
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