Active Desktop Calendar - Fully customizable calendar that supports the creation of notes, tasks and reminders, neatly integrated with any wallpaper on your desktop. One of the best features of this calendar is that it allows you to view the dates and information with other users on your network. There is also a reminder for your events and screensaver (screensaver). What can be shown in traditional form or as icons. You can create layers for different events and connect multiple computers to a common file (for example, to work in a local network). Starting with version 6.0 software can be used as a full-featured organizer - to make a list of contacts addresses, phone numbers, add notes, reminders and much more.
You can set each note to normal, private or invisible desktop view. Private notes are displayed as generic text reminder and invisible notes are not displayed at all. Printing calendar data is easy and includes an option to choose date range for printing notes. Special desktop pictures option allows you to add some of your pictures to existing desktop background. Comma separated values .CSV format is supported for data export and import. Tablet PC users should not worry as the program detects desktop orientation changes automatically. Finally, Active Desktop Calendar comes with world clock screen saver that shows your computer's system time, plus five major time zones around the world.
You can set each note to normal, private or invisible desktop view. Private notes are displayed as generic text reminder and invisible notes are not displayed at all. Printing calendar data is easy and includes an option to choose date range for printing notes. Special desktop pictures option allows you to add some of your pictures to existing desktop background. Comma separated values .CSV format is supported for data export and import. Tablet PC users should not worry as the program detects desktop orientation changes automatically. Finally, Active Desktop Calendar comes with world clock screen saver that shows your computer's system time, plus five major time zones around the world.

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